Frozen berries, a dollop of peanut butter, and almond milk-plus a banana for creaminess and vanilla protein powder-blend into a delicious smoothie reminiscent...
Have a delicious chocolatey treat in the evening without feeling guilty. This recipe comes from the 100 Calorie Snacks and More cookbook. These snack bars...
This salty-sweet "snack cake" has a simple honey-peanut butter base (no added sugar needed), plus all your favorite snacks: crunchy cereal, crispy puffed...
Instead of white cubes of tofu bobbing in this African-style soup, where they look decidedly odd, I purée the tofu with a portion of the finished soup...
Based on the recipe from Sugar Bean Bakers blog; simple and very tasty. An easy add to your Christmas/holiday cookie and candy repertoire. Prep time includes...
"GORP" is actually an acronym that means Good Old Raisins and Peanuts. These "cookies" aim to be a cheaper on-the-go meal/snack option than something prepackaged...
Two tasty flavors together that make a delicious snack on the go sure to satisfy! This very easy recipe combines creamy peanut butter with delicious chocolate...
I had to make this for a class at school, I really liked it so I went home and changed a few of the ingredients. Its a favorite with all of my friends...
This is a great treat that can be made with ingredients that everyone has in their cupboards. It is my grandmother's recipe. It makes a good gift when...
A blondie lover's dream, these bars are moist, dense and chewy. Perfect for a bake sale or as a take-a-long. They can also be cut into 1-inch bites for...
Sarah Carey, a longtime food editor at Martha Stewart Living and editor-in-chief of Everyday Food did this recipe on the Today Show... I immediately fell...